
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Mobil Toyota Mirai Memenangkan World Green Car ditahun 2016!!

Toyota Mirai was awarded the 2016 World Green Car - Toyota's reputation is no doubt, especially for products named Toyota Mirai. Recently Toyota Mirai won the award for World Green Car 2016 held at the New York International Auto Show.
Toyota Mirai dianugerahi 2016 World Green Car - reputasi Toyota tidak diragukan lagi, terutama untuk produk bernama Toyota Mirai. Baru-baru ini Toyota Mirai memenangkan penghargaan untuk World Green Car 2016 yang diadakan di New York International Auto Show. 

Mobil Toyota Mirai Memenangkan World Green Car ditahun 2016!!

Bill Fay as group vice president and general manager of the Toyota division explained that, "Just as the Prius changed the world nearly 20 years ago, a hydrogen-powered Mirai ready to make history. With more than 300 miles per tank, refueling time in under five minutes, and the only emission is composed of water vapor, Mirai is the world's leading car forward towards the future better, "said Fay.
 Bill Fay sebagai wakil presiden kelompok dan general manager dari divisi Toyota menjelaskan bahwa, "Sama seperti Prius mengubah dunia hampir 20 tahun yang lalu, sebuah bertenaga hidrogen Mirai siap untuk membuat sejarah. Dengan lebih dari 300 mil per tangki, pengisian bahan bakar saat di di bawah lima menit, dan satu-satunya emisi terdiri dari uap air, Mirai adalah mobil terkemuka di dunia maju menuju masa depan yang lebih baik, "kata Fay.

Toyota Mirai is a list of 8 new vehicles worldwide. Toyota Mirai Selection is based on several factors such as exhaust emissions, fuel consumption, and the use of advanced power plant technology major (outside the engine componentry), aimed specifically at increasing the vehicle's environmental responsibility.
 Toyota Mirai adalah daftar 8 kendaraan baru di seluruh dunia. Toyota Mirai Seleksi didasarkan pada beberapa faktor seperti emisi gas buang, konsumsi bahan bakar, dan penggunaan jurusan teknologi pembangkit listrik canggih (di luar componentry mesin), ditujukan khusus untuk meningkatkan tanggung jawab lingkungan kendaraan.

This award is not awarded World Car Awards Program which was first received by Toyota, because the previous Toyota Prius (2010) also won the award as a "Top Three in the World" status for the second World Green Car and World Car of the Yesar. In addition, Toyota GT86 was also a "Top three in the world," a finalist for the World Car of the Year in 2013 and the Toyota iQ in 2009 with the same category. For Toyota Harrier Hybrid in 2006 has also been awarded as the World Green Car.
 The success achieved by Toyota is evidence that Toyota's brand is one of the best vehicles in the world. Not least because the brands other vehicles that also participated in a joint event held at the New York International Auto Show. Dozens of cars of different brands has been undergoing testing and only cars that are considered qualified and got the ok to be eligible for the next stage. And the winner of this event is the presence of an international jury consisting of 73 leading automotive journalists from various countries.

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Mobil Toyota Mirai Memenangkan World Green Car ditahun 2016!!
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