The rally in the framework of the World Labour Day or May Day in front of the Palace tinged unrest. One of those accused of being a provocateur was immediately secured by the police.
The events began when the mass of workers who were on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat action involved pushing each other and the police manning the barricades forefront. Unrest began to heat up as a crowd of people threw bottles of mineral water toward the officer.
Unrest began to subside. However, a teenager who was later identified as Agasi (22) suddenly entered into a crowd of workers. Most mass Agasi yelled as provocateur. Moreover, teenagers are known as students of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (IISIP) was not in uniform as the mass of other workers.
"Earlier we want to cross from the West (Building Kemenko PMK) towards the monument," said friend Agasi, Rizki Farhansyah (22) at the location, Central Jakarta, Sunday (05/01/2016).
Rally dalam rangka Hari Buruh Dunia atau May Day di depan kerusuhan Palace diwarnai. Salah satu mereka yang dituduh sebagai provokator langsung diamankan oleh polisi.
Peristiwa bermula saat massa buruh yang pada tindakan Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat yang terlibat mendorong satu sama lain dan polisi berjaga barikade terdepan. Kerusuhan mulai memanas sebagai massa melemparkan botol air mineral ke arah petugas.
Kerusuhan mulai mereda. Namun, seorang remaja yang kemudian diidentifikasi sebagai Agasi (22) tiba-tiba masuk ke dalam kerumunan pekerja. Sebagian massa Agasi berteriak sebagai provokator. Selain itu, remaja yang dikenal sebagai mahasiswa Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (IISIP) tidak seragam sebagai massa buruh lainnya.
"Sebelumnya kita ingin menyeberang dari Barat (Gedung Kemenko PMK) terhadap monumen," kata teman Agasi, Rizki Farhansyah (22) di lokasi, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu (2016/05/01).
However, the students who were performing the task lecture was passing in the crowd when the atmosphere is still hot. The masses of workers who are not familiar with a group of lads that directly accused them of being a provocateur. Nahas, only Agasi arrested and became the butt of the mass of workers.
"Suddenly there are workers who shouted 'it provokatornya', my friend dipukulin directly at them. I was also sempet hit, but was told to step aside," he said.
The police officer who saw the incident to move quickly and secure Agasi from the butt of the masses. Until now, the students were still being held at the police station front of the Palace. While some of his friends started going Agasi to calm the younger students in 2013.
In addition, a riot when the action in front of the Palace are also casualties of the media crew. A photographer named Herkis injured on his hand while trying to capture the action of pushing each other between the masses of workers and the police.
Even the camera lens broke exposed wood used by the apparatus when repulse the masses who attempted to break through police barricades.
Namun, siswa yang sedang melakukan kuliah tugas lewat di kerumunan ketika suasana masih panas. Massa buruh yang tidak akrab dengan sekelompok pemuda yang secara langsung menuduh mereka sebagai provokator. Nahas, hanya Agasi ditangkap dan menjadi bulan-bulanan massa pekerja.
"Tiba-tiba ada pekerja yang berteriak 'itu provokatornya', teman dipukulin saya langsung pada mereka. Saya juga sempet hit, tapi disuruh minggir," katanya.
Petugas polisi yang melihat kejadian tersebut bergerak cepat dan mengamankan Agasi dari gagang massa. Sampai saat ini, para mahasiswa masih ditahan di depan kantor polisi dari Istana. Sementara beberapa dari teman-temannya mulai pergi Agasi untuk menenangkan siswa yang lebih muda pada tahun 2013.
Selain itu, kerusuhan saat aksi di depan Istana juga korban dari awak media. Seorang fotografer bernama terluka Herkis di tangannya ketika mencoba untuk menangkap aksi saling mendorong antara massa pekerja dan polisi.
Bahkan lensa kamera pecah terkena kayu yang digunakan oleh aparat ketika memukul mundur massa yang berusaha menerobos barikade polisi.
Tersangka mahasiswa Telah mempr0vokator, Demo buruh di Depan Istana 1 mei 2016
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