Son of the late President Suharto, Tommy Suharto (Tommy Suharto) once again condemned the policy of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). This time Tommy Questioning Ahok command requesting the company did not supply power on state land inhabited area residents.
"Leaders Statement DKI saying poor people wild, poor people nyolong electricity, the words should come out of the mouth of the occupation," Tommy wrote on Twitter @ HutomoMP_9.
Tommy also ask Ahok remember Jakarta citizens who support Ahok in the city elections. "Before saying poor people DKI wild and nyolong, try to think in advance who support you nyolong in this country or not ??" wrote @ HutomoMP_9.
@ HutomoMP_9 also chirped: "That Brain What To Know ?? .. Leading do as one likes me, please Origin Asbun, poor people do not continue in the press, you are? Where citizens? "
Reported earlier, Jakarta Governor Basuki T Purnama ask the directors of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Jakarta and Tangerang Distribution area occupying lands that the state had no electricity.
"PLN delivered new GM, want cooperation with the city areas that occupy the ground state electricity do not love, they (say) is ready," said Ahok at City Hall, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta Pus
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