If you are a first home buyer you may know that you qualify for government assistance, commonly known as the first home owners grant.
You also need to provide the government with supporting documents to prove that you are eligible, including the sales contract, the contract to build, and proof of identity.
If you apply through a lending institution, the grant payment will usually be available for completion or progress of the construction of the first payment. If you apply directly to government agencies, most will pay the grant to your bank account when your purchase is complete.
In NSW, there is a $ 15,000 grant for a new home purchased for $ 650,000 or less, and the Regional Relocation Grants $ 7,000 if you are moving from a metropolitan area to a house in the region.
There is also exemption from transfer duty on new homes valued up to $ 550,000 and vacant land up to $ 350,000 as well as concessions for new homes valued between $ 550,000 and $ 650,000 and vacant land worth between $ 350,000 and $ 450,000.
You can find here NSW USER grants Applications.
In NSW, the grant is paid as a credit against the debt transfer task. If the grant is greater than the task, the difference will be forwarded to you as a check.
Queensland took our gift for a grant with the best name.
The Great Start Grant is $ 15,000 for a first timer to buy or build a new house with a value of $ 750,000.
At the top end, Northern Territory First Home Owner Grant offers a thumping $ 25,000 for first timers buy every house in the area of regional or new homes in urban areas.
There is also $ 12,000 for first timers buying house established in an urban area with a value of $ 600,000.
In the west, the first home buyers received a $ 10,000 grant for the purchase or construction of new homes and a $ 3,000 grant to buy a house founded.
The grant is limited to the purchase of up to $ 750,000, or if their home is located in the north of parallel 26 *, $ 1,000,000.
In WA, the first home buyers also exempt from stamp duty for the purchase of homes under $ 500,000, or the purchase of land under $ 300,000.First timers may also be eligible for the Home Buyers Assistance Account - grants up to $ 2,000 for the cost of buying a home value is established or in part constructed to $ 400,000 through a licensed real estate agent.
In South Australia, the First Home Owner Grant $ 5,000 is scheduled to end in June 2014 30 and replaced by a $ 15,000 grant for a new home, until the value of $ 575,000. see more visit: revenuesa.sa.gov.au
There is a grant of up to $ 10,000 for first time buyers to purchase a new home with a value of $ 750,000.
The first home buyer can also claim a 30% reduction in stamp duty on purchases up to $ 600,000, a decrease will increase by 10% in July 2014 and 10% again in July 2015.
You can find the form here Vic SRO Applications. Payments will be made to your designated bank account within 14 days.
Di Apple Isle, Tasmania First Home Owner Grant dijadwalkan berakhir untuk rumah didirikan pada tanggal 1 Juli 2014. hibah ini $ 7.000 untuk pembeli pertama kalinya adalah membuka tutup.
pembeli pertama kali dari rumah baru dapat menerima First Home Builder Meningkatkan dari $ 23 000 sampai dengan 31 Desember 2014.
check out what's available in your state or territory before you buy, grants and concessions has a tendency to change, sometimes without much notice!
Apply for a first home buyer grant
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